
International Fulbright Science and Technology Scholarships for Outstanding Foreign students (DISCONTINUED)

International Fulbright Science and Technology (Fulbright S&T) Scholarships

Course(s) Offered: Science, Technology
Course Level: Graduate (masters, PhD)
Provider: ECA (USA Government)
Country to Study in: USA

Scholarship Description
(see Previous Programs on official site via link below)

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State sponsors the International Fulbright Science & Technology Award for Outstanding Foreign Students (Fulbright S&T) to provide exceptional foreign students with an opportunity to pursue Ph.D. study at top U.S. universities.

Fulbright S&T is designed to be the most prestigious international scholarship in science and technology and to demonstrate the United States' commitment to welcoming top-notch future researchers and leaders to pursue serious scientific study and research at U.S. institutions.

To be eligible you must:
  • be a citizen of a country where there is an active Fulbright Foreign Student Program;
  • apply through the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in your country of citizenship; and
  • have completed a bachelor’s degree (comparable to a U.S. bachelor’s degree) on or before August 2012.
It is highly recommended that the applicant have received his/her bachelor’s degree in the same or a related field for which he/she plans to pursue Ph.D. study.

Applicants must demonstrate English proficiency with a recent TOEFL score (or equivalent) of 580 or an IBT of 90 or higher.
    You are ineligible if you:
    • are currently studying in the U.S;
    • have received a previous Fulbright award; or
    • do not wish to pursue Ph.D. study in an eligible field.
    Eligible groups
    Citizens of selected countries in Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, Middle East and North Africa, The Americas, and South and Central Asia are eligible.

    Fulbright Student Grants are available to more than 140 countries worldwide. Click here for comprehensive information on eligible countries.

    Participating Institution(s)
    All accredited US Colleges and Universities

    Fields of study
    Applicants must plan to study in one of the following fields:
    • Aeronautics and Astronomics/Aeronautical Engineering
    • Agriculture (theoretical or research-based focus only)*
    • Astronomy / Planetary Sciences
    • Biology
    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Chemistry
    • Computer Sciences/Engineering
    • Energy
    • Engineering (electrical, chemical, civil, mechanical, ocean, and petroleum)
    • Environmental Science/Engineering
    • Geology / Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
    • Information Sciences / Engineering (engineering focus only; business-focused study is not eligible)
    • Materials Science/Engineering
    • Mathematics
    • Neurosciences
    • Oceanography
    • Physics
    • Public Health (research or theoretical focus only)
    *While agriculture tends to be a fairly applied field of study, those wishing to pursue theoretical and research-based study in such areas as entomology, plant biology, plant pathology, and soil science are eligible for this Award.

    Click here for detailed description of each field of study above.

    Number of awards
    For its fourth year (2011-2012), approximately 40 awards will be competed worldwide for candidates who demonstrate unique aptitude and innovation in scientific fields.

    Scholarship benefits
    Grantees will receive the following during the first three years of ECA funding; after the initial three years, support toward the completion their Ph.D. programs will be provided by the host institution:
    • Initial application assistance
    • Tuition and related fees
    • Housing allowance, monthly stipend
    • J-Visa Sponsorship for 3 years (following the 3 years, IIE will assist participants in transferring their visa sponsorship to the institution)
    • Book and equipment allowance
    • Research /Lab allowances
    • Professional conference allowance (international travel options)
    • Tailored S&T Enrichment Activities
    • Health / Accident coverage
    • International travel expenses: tickets, in-transit expenses
    Method of Application
    Please carefully review all instructions on the how-to-apply page before completing and submitting your application.

    Application deadlines vary from country to country. Check with the Fulbright Office or U.S. Embassy in your home country for the last possible date to apply.

    You apply for this award through the Fulbright Office or U.S. Embassy in your country of citizenship. Each Fulbright Office will conduct a preliminary selection and forward a limited number of applications for final screening and selection in the U.S.

    The final selection committee will include prominent academics and professionals.

    Please send any International Fulbright S&T Program questions or comments to:

    Application Deadline: Between March-June every year
    Open to International students: Yes

    More Scholarship Information and Application

    Related: Fulbright Foreign Student Scholarships for Study in USA

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