
Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship in Complex Systems Science for Both EU and non-EU Students

Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship in Complex Systems Science

Course(s) Offered: Complex Systems Science
Course Level: Masters
Provider: Erasmus Mundus
Country to Study in: at least two of Warwick, Paris, Gothenburg

Scholarship Description
University of Warwick, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), Chalmers University and University of Gothenburg are pleased to announce a new joint Masters Programme in Complex Systems Science.

A “complex system” comprises many interacting components leading to multiple levels of collective structure and organization. Examples include natural systems ranging from bio-molecules and living cells to human social systems and the ecosphere, as well as sophisticated artificial systems such as the Internet, power grid or any large-scale distributed software system. It is a key challenge for our society to better understand, adapt, design and control such systems.

Course Description:
The programme runs over two years (120 ECTS); it is half taught and half by research and leads to a JOINT (or double) Masters degree of University of Warwick, Ecole Polytechnique, Chalmers University (Gothenburg) and the University of Gothenburg. Students will be required to spend extended time in at least two centres and to join in events/collaborations across all three.
  • Course Duration: 2 years
  • Location: each student spends time in at least two of Warwick, Paris, Gothenburg
  • Erasmus Mundus Scholarships available, for both EU and “third country” (overseas) students.
Eligibility / Eligible Groups
Category A means students who are from outside Europe; more precisely this means neither a national nor a resident of Europe as defined in B.
If you have been in Europe 'for your main activity' for 12 months or more in the past five years we can only consider you for a scholarship at category B rates (and you will have to fund the difference of participation charges also).

Category B means students who are nationals of:
  • EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
  • EFTA countries in the EEA: Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein
  • For Scholarships, you will be counted as category B if you have carried out your main activity (studies, training or work) in the above countries for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years.
* Students from Turkey and the Western Balkans are particularly encouraged to apply: we can nominate up to 2 category A scholarships specially reserved for these countries. Western Balkans includes: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

NOTE: If you have previously benefited from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, you are not eligible to receive another. However European students who have participated in Erasmus exchange programmes remain eligible.

Participating Institutions
  1. UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, United Kingdom (Coordinating institution)
In association with the COMPLEX SYSTEMS SOCIETY.

Fields of Study
MSc in Complex Systems Science

Scholarship Benefits
("Category A")
Students from European countries
("Category B")
Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs:
€ 8000 nil
Monthly allowance: € 1000 / month € 500 / month
Course Participation Costs (including insurance coverage): note these moneys will be retained by the University consortium and will not be paid to students: € 4000 / semester
(€ 8000 / year)
€ 2000 / semester
(€ 4000 / year)
For students from Third Countries (category A), the scholarship is intended by EU to enable you to participate in the programme without further funding.

European students (category B) should note that the monthly allowance above is only a contribution towards your living expenses and there is no travel allowance: you will need your own resources in addition.

NOTE: We are happy to consider students with other sources of funding, for a limited number of places. You will have to pay the "Course Participation Costs" listed above, which are low compared to other course tuition fees.

Number of Scholarships
We are delighted to be able to nominate up to 12* Third Country students for Category A Erasmus Mundus scholarships, and up to 8 European students

Method of Application
(a) The preferred method is electronic upload;
(b) Mail: (we advise you to back this up with an email copy wherever possible!) to the contact below;
(c) Email:
After applying please use the Applicant's Checklist to check carefully that you have done ALL of the required. If not see apply online instructions. Please read the Supporting Documents before applying.

All online applications must be submitted by 4th January 2012

Admissions are centralised (students must apply through Warwick, the coordinating node) and successful candidates will start in September at the Centre whose initial teaching provides the best bridge between their undergraduate background and the programme as a whole. All students will have mobility opportunities after six months, and earlier for some well prepared students.

Applicants should be competent in mathematics and/or mathematical modelling, to the level of a mathematically based undergraduate degree (including but not restricted to sciences and engineering). That degree also needs to be of high standard. We are happy to consider equivalent professional experience.

Centre for Complexity Science,
Zeeman Building,
University of Warwick,
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK.

Application Deadline: 4 January 2012
Open to International students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Sweden for International Students

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