
Delta Electronics / NTIO Joint Environmental Scholarship for Taiwan Students

DELTA / NTIO Joint Environmental Scholarship

Course(s) Offered: Environmental science, Energy management
Course Level: Postgraduate (master, phd)
Provider: Delta Electronics Foundation
Country to Study in: Netherlands

Scholarship Description
Delta Electronics Foundation established the Delta/NTIO Joint Environmental Scholarship in 2005 to support and encourage advanced academic studies in fields relevant to environmental protection and sustainable development.

The DELTA / NTIO Joint Environmental Scholarship are awarded to outstanding individuals who intend to pursue their graduate studies in the mentioned areas at academic institutions in the Netherlands.

According to the criteria set forth below, a review committee will evaluate the received applications for the DELTA / NTIO Joint Environmental Scholarship. Only selective candidates will be invited for personal interview. Delta/NTIO will jointly make final selections based on the academic/professional strengths and capabilities demonstrated by the qualified candidates.

To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must fulfill the following requirements:
  • High devotion to the environmental protection and sustainable development of the earth
  • Taiwan citizenship and regularly residing in Taiwan
  • An undergraduate degree received before the scholarship year from a Taiwanese academic institution accredited by the Ministry of Education of R.O.C.
  • Not currently working or studying in the Netherlands (not necessary for Doctoral applicants)
  • Proof of adequate English proficiency (a minimum test score of 79 in iBT TOEFL or 5.5 in IELTS)
Preference will be given to applicants with working experience in the environmental protection and sustainable development related fields.

Eligible groups
Citizens and residents of Taiwan

Participating Institutions
Academic institutions in the Netherlands (e.g. University of Twente, etc)

Fields of study
Studies relevant to environmental protection and sustainable development

Number of awards
Not specified by provider

Scholarship benefits
Scholarships of NT$250,000 each is offered to Master’s students and NT$500,000 for Doctoral student annually.

Method of Application
1. A complete application package consists of:
  1. Completed application form together with supporting documents, e.g., college/university transcripts, resume, two letters of reference, English proficiency test scores, etc.
  2. A self-nomination letter describing your reasons and motivations for applying the scholarship, as well as your professional and personal goals/plans. This letter should not exceed 1,000 words in length.
  3. A study plan which should not exceed 500 words in length for Master’s level applicants and 3,000 words for Doctoral applicants.
The complete application package should be submitted to the NTIO no later than May 15, 2012

The winners of the scholarship will be announced by June 30, 2012. However, no scholarship will be confirmed until the scholarship winner has secured an admission acceptance from a Dutch academic institution, and the deadline for the candidates to secure an acceptance offer by a Dutch academic institution is July 1, 2012.

Delta Electronics, Inc. ( has long recognized that it holds a unique position to contribute to the betterment of Taiwan life and society, particularly in energy management. The Delta Electronics Foundation ( was established in Taiwan in 1990 to sponsor a variety of educational activities, including scholarships, internships and lectureships; to support advanced research in collaboration with leading universities; and to explore ways to conserve our natural resources. The Ministry of Education of ROC presented the Foundation with an Outstanding NGO award in 2002.

Application Deadline: 15 May 2012
Open to International students: No (ONLY Taiwanese)

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Netherlands for International Students

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