
EED Scholarships for Christian Students and Groups from Developing Countries

The Ecumenical Scholarship Programme and the EED Scholarship Programme: Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED) Scholarships for Christian Councils, Churches, Students and Development-oriented NGOs in developing countries

Course(s) Offered: Development or related fields
Course Level: Undergraduate, Graduate
Provider: EED, Diaconal Services of the EKD
Country to Study in: Germany (in few cases, other countries)

Scholarship Description
The Church Development Service (Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst- EED) in Germany offers students from third world (Asia, Africa, Latin America) countries the opportunity of a study visit to Germany.

The scholarship desk of EED in co-operation with the scholarship desk of the Diakonisches Werk der EKD in Stuttgart (Diaconal Services of the EKD) operates the Ecumenical Scholarship Programme as a joint programme.

Church Development Service (Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst - EED) is an association of the Protestant Churches in Germany. By means of financial contributions, personnel involvement, scholarships and consultancy services EED supports the development work of churches, Christian and secular organisations.

This programme is intended for students from developing countries who live in Germany for the duration of their studies and then work in their home country or another developing country after completion of their studies - in an effort to make a contribution to the development of their country.

  • the academic qualification of the candidate
  • the commitment of the candidate to her/his church and to development work
  • the candidate must at least hold a first academic degree and have a minimum of two to five years of professional experience
  • the candidate must have been selected and nominated by an organization within the frame of their personnel development plan; this organization must guarantee employment after her/his return
  • candidates nominated by church-related partners in Germany (e.g. ESG, STUBE) should be known to them for a longer period of time and should have shown interest in voluntary work (applies only for free movers)
  • the candidate should have been nominated for higher studies in view of a specific purpose for her/his future assignment in the organization
  • studies should be development oriented and focus on issues which are dealt with in the conciliar process (justice, peace, integrity of creation)
  • we prefer younger candidates (definitely not above 40 years, for doctoral studies 35 years)
  • we are committed to increase the number of women among our scholarship holders and give thus priority to women
  • we prefer candidates who pursue their studies in Germany; however the possibility of studies in other European countries and under certain circumstances also in developing countries is open.
In the selection of candidates it is also taken into account whether the nominating organization
  • is a church related organization, part of civil society or a church-related university
  • is development oriented and involved in processes aiming at liberation from hunger, poverty, disease and unjust power structures
  • is open for ecumenical and/or intercultural dialogue
  • has a personnel development plan
  • is able to use the expertise of the candidate after her/his return adequately.
Candidates who besides the nationality of their home country posses the nationality of an industrialized country are not eligible for a scholarship, since the funds of EED are earmarked for nationals of developing countries.

Eligible groups
Citizens of Third World countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Developing countries are according to the available list provided by DAC of OECD (see

Participating Institutions
Candidates intending to study in Germany are advised to make themselves familiar with German universities and academic studies in Germany. Please visit the website of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

To a certain extent the EED scholarship programme also supports candidates who intend to go to other European countries or who want to pursue their studies in their home region in Asia, Africa or Latin America. EED does not sponsor studies in the U.S., Canada or Australia. In these cases it recommends to apply with foundations in those countries.

Fields of study
Any development oriented courses at German universities. In their main course of study, students should if possible opt for courses related to the developing countries and select development policy related subjects or topics with reference to their own country for seminar work or final projects.
More courses can be found via the website of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) or on the websites of German universities.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Lingua franca in Germany is German. Although more and more university courses are offered in English the language of instruction at German Universities generally is German. A good knowledge of German is therefore absolutely imperative for anyone studying in Germany.
Except for courses offered in English German universities generally require the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH; formerly: Prüfung zum Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse, PNdS), a language proficiency test, prior to admission.
In preparation for the DSH the Studienkolleg of the Ökumenisches Studienwerk (ÖSW) in Bochum - a subsidiary of the EED - offers intensive language courses for all scholarship holders.

Number of awards
The programme supports about 100 scholarship holders every year.

Scholarship benefits
Scholarship holders receive a basic sum of 850.00 EUR per month during their course of study. Additional allowances such as for books are also available.

Singles and families:
  • Basic monthly grant: 850.00 EUR
  • Monthly book allowance: 50.00 EUR
  • Monthly additional married couples allowance (only for family scholarships): 280.00 EUR
  • Additional child allowance for up to 3 children, monthly per child (only for family scholarships): 170.00 EUR.
Single parents:
  • Basic monthly grant: 850.00 EUR
  • Monthly book allowance: 50.00 EUR
  • Monthly additional allowance for the first child: 280.00 EUR
  • Monthly additional allowance for each second and third child: 170.00 EUR.
  • Full payment of health insurance contributions
  • Full payment of semester or study fees
  • In-between trip home or job preparatory work placement and study visit to the home country
  • Cost of return flight home and fixed freight costs for return within 6 months after last allowance payment
The programme also includes support in the form of advice, spiritual aid and assistance with studies-related matters.

Method of Application
Application forms must be obtained from and returned to the EED scholarship desk. The application form for applications within the frame of the academic partnership programme and the programme for Churches and NGOs must be accompanied by the following documents:
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • authenticated copies of the secondary school leaving certificate
  • authenticated copies of university certificates and transcripts. If the certificates are not in German, English or French an officially authenticated translation must be included. You are advised to contact the nearest embassy or consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany on this matter. The EED needs these documents to help candidates, if necessary, to find a supervisor and a place for the candidate's course of studies
  • authenticated copies of language course certificates
  • letter/s of recommendation addressing the candidate's personal qualities
  • letter/s of recommendation regarding the candidate's professional and academic qualification
  • research proposal in the case of doctoral studies; in other cases a description of the course of studies
  • doctoral candidates must send along their master thesis
  • statement concerning the relevance of the study project for the home country
  • a brief representation of the nomination organization and its work with special reference to the aspect of gender; in case an organization nominates a candidate for the first time we require more basic information of the organization (name; founding year; aims and objectives; focus of activities; composition of governing board; members; net-working with other organizations)
  • guarantee of subsequent employment by the nominating organization and statement concerning the relevance of the study project for the nominating organization
  • health certificate.
Please note that only applications with complete documents can be processed. The application form must be stamped and signed by a representative of the nominating organization on the front page.
We expect that candidates have a clear idea of what they intend to achieve through their studies and that they have already contacted appropriate universities. Candidates should take initiative to acquire information about the conditions for admission

It is important to read this resource: Detailed Programme Information [PDF] and visit the official website (link to it is below).

The final decision about the applications lies with the Ecumenical Scholarship Committee which meets twice a year in May and November. Please note that we need to receive the application well in advance before the meeting. The deadline for the meeting in May is 1 January; the deadline for November is 1 July.

The EED normally considers candidates only if applications reach them through a Church, a National Christian Council, a NGO, a church-related university or other church-related or para-state organisations which apply on behalf of their co-workers within the frame of their personnel development plan. Applications on behalf of free movers in Germany must reach them through the Evangelische Studentengemeinde (ESG) or a regional co-curricular programme (STUBE).

Application Deadline: 1 January / 1 July 2013
Open to International students: Yes

More information and scholarship application

Related: Scholarships in Germany for International Students

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