
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at University of Ilorin for International Students

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Course(s) Offered: Applied Sciences, Science, Humanities
Course Level: Postgraduate (postdoc, research)
Provider: CIE, University of Ilorin
Country to Study in: Nigeria

Scholarship Description
As part of her efforts in building a global academic environment, the University of Ilorin through her Centre for International Education (CIE) offers a variety of Research Fellowships to qualified scholars of foreign nationals to carry out relevant developmental researches.

The candidate for the fellowship should:
  1. Be a non-Nigerian;
  2. Possess a Ph.D;
  3. Submit a well articulated research proposal in any of the disciplines listed below;
  4. Possess excellent communication skills and be computer literate.
Eligible groups
All qualified International scholars of non-Nigerian origin

Participating Institution(s)
Centre for International Education (CIE), University of Ilorin, Ilorin

Fields of study
The fellowship is tenable in the following disciplines:
  • Applied Sciences (Engineering and Technology, Medicine, Agriculture);
  • Science (Science, Communication and Information Sciences, Physiology and Anatomy) and;
  • Humanities (Arts, Business and Social Sciences, Education and Law).
Sponsorship duration
The duration of the fellowship shall be between six (6) and twelve (12) Months. Extension may be granted.

Scholarship benefits
The award package is comprised of:
  1. Stipends: (Click “here” to see scale).
  2. Free accommodation;
  3. Complimentary access to the facilities of the University Health Services, Libraries and other academic packages.
Method of Application
Candidates should visit the University of Ilorin website (see link below) and download the application forms and submit online. In addition, candidate should attach his/her Curriculum Vitae.

Electronic applications should be converted to PDF format, and then e-mailed to Electronic applications should contain scanned copies of relevant signatures and the hard copy version should accompany it by post, to:

The Director
Centre for International Education
University of Ilorin
P. M. B. 1515
Ilorin, Nigeria,

Reference Letters:
A letter of reference from the scholar’s Head of Institution/Department should be submitted along with the application form (electronically and by post).

All applications must be submitted on or before the deadline date (see below) every year.

All applications must be received by the University of Ilorin on or before the 15th September of every year.

The University of Ilorin, also known as Unilorin, is a university in Ilorin, Nigeria.

It was established by a decree of the Federal Military Government in 1975 and is a federal government owned tertiary institution of education located in Ilorin, Kwara State, western Nigeria. The ancient city of Ilorin, capital of Kwara State, is about 300 km from Lagos and 500 km from Abuja, the country's administrative capital.

For further enquiries, please contact us through the following:

Application Deadline: 15 September 2012
Open to International students: Yes

More Fellowship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Nigeria for Nigerians

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