
ICP PhD Scholarships Programme for Developing Country Students

ICP PhD Scholarships

Course(s) Offered: Any Program
Course Level: Graduate (PhD, research)
Provider: VLIR-UOS Institutional University
Country to Study in: Belgium AND student's Home Country

Scholarship Description
The ICP PhD programme aims to institutionally strengthen universities or research institutions in the South through capacity building, by upgrading local academic personnel by offering PhD scholarships.

As an ICP PhD student, you can institutionally strengthen your university or research institution in your home country by upgrading your academic capacities. Hence every year VLIR-UOS provides 10 scholarships to people who wish to carry out research on a development topic, in a so-called sandwich programme.

The research and doctoral programme are geographically spread over two locations, namely the academic home institution and a Flemish university. In this way both local and Flemish expertise are combined to offer you and both research groups a win-win effect. The selection committee assesses and ranks all proposals according to quality and relevance for the South.

You should already have obtained your ICP Master's degree when you submit the application, or should obtain it in the reference year, i.e. 2013.

The programme is not limited to those graduates who have already been granted an ICP scholarship of VLIR-UOS. Students from developing countries (see 'country lists' on official website via link below) who followed a VLIR-UOS funded Master at a Flemish University (ICP) by their own means or with another scholarship are also welcome to apply.

It is important that you work out your research proposal together with your foreign promoter and the Flemish promoter.

The Candidate:
Scientific elements
  • Academic curriculum (past grades are considered less important than a balanced research proposal);
  • Research capacity or potential (past publications are considered less important than a balanced research proposal);
  • Knowledge of and experience with the subject of the research proposal;
  • Language skills relevant to or necessary for the research.
  • Additional relevant abilities and skills.
Additional elements
  • There are no preferences concerning ICP or scientific domain. The participation of women in this PhD programme is strongly encouraged. However, for selection the quality of the applicant remains the principal factor. In the event of an ex aequo, preference will be given to the female candidate.
  • Age is not a principal selection criterion, but could be considered in the frame of dissemination of research results and use of the academic expertise in practice after completing the PhD.
See the link 'Resource' (PDF document) below for compltete and detailed criteria

Please Note: Application files that do not comply with all admissibility criteria, will be submitted to the Bureau UOS, who will decide upon the (in)admissibility of the files. Inadmissible files are not taken into consideration for selection. The Selection Committee Research Scholarships can also invoke inadmissibility if it deems that there are clear reasons for it. Again however, the Bureau UOS has the final say.

Eligible groups
You should be a national and resident of a developing country of the VLIR-UOS-country list that was applicable in the year you started your ICP studies (see VLIR-UOS website via link below) or be on the 54 list currently used for scholarships.

Target group:
The call is open for people who graduated not earlier than 2008, or will graduate in 2013, from a Flemish, VLIR-UOS funded Master programme (ICP). As an applicant, you must of course meet other criteria, which we specify in the call.

Participating Institutions
You should conduct part of the research at your own foreign institution and part at the Flemish university.

Fields of study
Any approved program of study

Number of awards
Every academic year, we grant ten PhD scholarships to excellent Master graduates from a developing country who have studied in a VLIR-UOS funded Master programme (ICP) in Flanders and wish to make a PhD at a Flemish university.

The number of available scholarships will however be subject to the approval of the government of the budget of the Scholarships Programme of VLIR-UOS.

Sponsorship duration
A full ICP PhD scholarship consists of two consecutive two-year terms and cannot be extended.

Scholarship benefits
On our website (see link below), actual amounts can be downloaded, but these are subject to yearly changes! All allowances and payments are to be accounted for on the budget of the Scholarships Programme (BTP) of the Flemish host university.

Method of Application
You must apply in English. Therefore, you should have a very good command of the English language. It is important that you work out your research proposal together with your own foreign promoter and the Flemish promoter.

For complete and detailed information on application requirements and procedures, please visit official site via link provided below.

You may want to download this resource: ICP_PhD_2013_call.pdf.

We launch a call in November. Your deadline to submit a proposal is in February and slightly differs by university (see 'ICP_PhD call' via link below). The selection committee research scholarships evaluates your proposal in May. If the committee selects your proposal, you start your PhD in October 2013.

The complete application file should reach the ICOS – institutional Coordinator for Development Cooperation – of the Flemish university at the latest on the internal deadline of the respective university (see below). This deadline must be respected. You are not allowed to send us your application directly.

VLIR-UOS funds and facilitates academic cooperation and exchange between higher education institutions in Flanders (Belgium) and those in developing countries, which aims at building capacity, knowledge and experience for a sustainable development.

As part of the Flemish Interuniversity Council, VLIR-UOS is responsible for managing and dispersing the university cooperation for development funds of Belgium’s minister of Development Cooperation.

VLIR-UOS was founded by the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR), an overarching consultative organization between the Flemish universities and the Belgian government.

Further queries?
Email:, AND/OR Telephone: +32 2 289 05 50

Application Deadline: February 2013 (every year)
Open to International students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Belgium for Developing Country Students

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