
UNESCO-L'OREAL International Fellowships for Young Women in Life Sciences Worldwide

UNESCO-L'OREAL International Fellowships Programme

Course(s) Offered: Life Sciences
Course Level: Graduate (PhD, research)
Provider: L’Oreal-UNESCO
Country to Study in: Any country

Scholarship Description
UNESCO L’Oreal acknowledges the efforts of female scientist/researchers, possessing proven track record of Research and Academic Excellence, for which they have announced a prestigious award - the L'Oréal / UNESCO Prize for women Scientists.

L'Oréal / UNESCO has opened the call for nominations for the 2012 L'Oréal / UNESCO Prize for women Scientists.

L'Oréal / UNESCO Prize
Eligibility Criteria
You are welcome to enter into a global competition, for the female researchers’ in the field of Life Sciences, provided you:
  • Are holding a doctoral (PhD) degree in any field of Life Sciences.
  • Are recognized for your outstanding personal scientific excellence.
  • Are (currently) actively involved in scientific research.
  • Focused area of research is in any field of the Life Sciences.
  • Are nominated by your employing institution (academic or R&D organization)
  • Posses an impressive record of international recognized research publications (single authored or as first author)
  • May posses research work which is patented in your name.
Eligible groups
Female citizens of ANY country i.e. female scientists/researchers from Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa & the Arab States, and Asia

Participating Institutions
All research and related institutions across the world

Field of study
Graduate PhD level research study in the Life Sciences

Number of awards
Five prize awards are to be given

Sponsorship duration
This is a one time prize award

Scholarship benefits
The Prize aims to distinguish research done by women, which has contributed to the overall progress of the respective scientific field. The Prize is dedicated to Life Sciences.

The five prizes of USD100.000 will be geographically distributed (Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa & the Arab States, and Asia).

Method of Application
For further information about this prestigious international Prize, please consult its official announcement: 2012 L'Oréal / UNESCO Prize (pdf).

It is important to go through the official announcement (link to it is above) and also to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply.

The deadline for submitting applications is 29th April 2012

The L'Oréal Group is the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company. With its registered office in Paris and head office in the Paris suburb of Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine, France, it has developed activities in the field of cosmetics. The company is active in the dermatological, tissue engineering and pharmaceutical fields and is the top nanotechnology patent-holder in the United States.

Application Deadline: 29 April 2012
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application (UNESCO site)
More Scholarship Information and Application (Universidade de Coimbra site)

Related: L’Oréal-UNESCO Regional Fellowships in Sub-saharan Africa

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