
University of Central Lancashire International Excellence Awards: List of Scholarships for African Students

UCLan International Excellence Awards

Course(s) Offered: Any field
Course Level: Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Provider: UCLan
Country to Study in: UK

Scholarship Description
The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) UK is delighted to offer a range of scholarship opportunities for new international students commencing a full-time taught programme in September 2012 through the UCLan International Excellence Scholarship Awards.

The UCLan International Excellence Scholarship Award is for new international (non-EU) privately funded fee paying students who will study an undergraduate or postgraduate full-time taught programme of study at the University of Central Lancashire commencing in September 2012.

The scholarships are mainly focused to students from developing countries. Applications that are unsuccessful for the UCLan International Excellence Awards may still be awarded a Vice Chancellor’s Award of 500 GBP per year.

Eligibility criteria
The following apply to all applicants:
  • Applicants must be holding an offer for a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate taught programme at UCLan for entry in September 2012
  • Scholarships are not transferrable and are available for entry in September 2012 only
  • These scholarships are available only to students paying international fees
  • Applicants must be privately funded (ie, full fees being paid from their own or their family’s resources)
  • Applicants must not be in receipt of any other scholarship or financial award
  • The chosen course must be of at least one year’s duration, be offered on campus and lead to an academic award of the University of Central Lancashire
  • Applicants must not have previously been enrolled on the same course, or a course leading to this award (egDipHE or PGDip)
  • Applicants must be holding an unconditional offer by 30 June 2012
Selection criteria:
All applications will be assessed with consideration to the following:
  • overall presentation;
  • originality of thought;
  • fluency in communication of ideas;
  • evidence of motivation for study;
  • Ability to succeed and contribute to university life.
Eligible groups
Citizens of non-EU countries

Participating Institutions
The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in the UK

Fields of study
Any available field of study at the university

Scholarship benefits and duration
The scholarships are awarded in the form of a reduction in the tuition fee for one year. Awards are to the value of a 50% reduction in the tuition fee for the duration of the programme of study. The student is responsible for the payment of the remainder of the tuition fee and living expenses for their period of study.

Range of Scholarships for Africans:

Below are scholarships for students from Africa (Egypt, Mauritius, Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana). For full range of scholarships, i.e. including non-African scholarships, see link below.
  1. UCLan Egypt Excellence Award
    One 50% scholarship is available to a student for either a one year postgraduate taught programme or the first year of an undergraduate programme. This award is open to applicants who are nationals of, and resident in Egypt, at the time of application, and is available to applicants to any UCLan taught programme of study.
  2. UCLan Mauritius Excellence Award
    One 50% scholarship is available to a student for either a one year postgraduate taught programme or the first year of an undergraduate programme. This award is open to applicants who are nationals of, and resident in Mauritius, at the time of application, and is available to applicants to any UCLan taught programme of study. 
  3. UCLan Uganda Excellence Award
    One 50% scholarship is available to a student for either a one year postgraduate taught programme or the first year of an undergraduate programme. This award is open to applicants who are nationals of, and resident in Uganda, at the time of application, and is available to applicants to any UCLan taught programme of study.
  4. UCLan South Africa Excellence Award
    One 50% scholarship is available to a student for either a one year postgraduate taught programme or the first year of an undergraduate programme. This award is open to applicants who are nationals of, and resident in South Africa, at the time of application, and is available to applicants to any UCLan taught programme of study.
  5. UCLan- Nigeria Nuclear Regulatory Authority Excellence Award
    One 50% scholarship is available to a student for a one year postgraduate programme at the University of Central Lancashire. This award is open to applicants who are currently nationals of, and resident in Nigeria, and are employed by the Nigeria Nuclear Regulatory Authority at the time of application and enrolment, and is available to applicants to any nuclear related programme.
  6. UCLan – 3AG Excellence Award (Nigeria)
    One 50% tuition fee scholarship; free counselling and visa advice and a free laptop are available to a successful student making an application to the University of Central Lancashire through the services of 3AG Excellence, an official agency of the university in Nigeria. The award is for applications to the MSc Renewable Energy Engineering programme. This award is open to applicants who are nationals of, and resident in Nigeria, at the time of application, and who submit their application through an office of 3AG agency in Nigeria.
  7. UCLan – Nigeria Bar Association Excellence Award with B&S Education Services (Nigeria)
    One 50% scholarship, free counselling and visa advice and one months accommodation costs in the UK (to a maximum of 400 GBP) is available to a successful student making an application to the University of Central Lancashire through the services of B&S Education Services, an official agency of the university in Nigeria. The award, for a one year postgraduate Law programme at the University of Central Lancashire, is open to applicants who are currently nationals of, and resident in Nigeria, and who are a member of the Nigerian Bar Association at the time of application and enrolment.
  8. UCLan – Go Study Abroad Excellence Award (Ghana)
    One 50% tuition fee scholarship; free counselling and visa advice and payment of one month’s accommodation costs (up to a maximum of 400 GBP) in UK are available to a successful student making an application to the University of Central Lancashire through the services of Go Study Abroad in Ghana. The award is available to a student for either a one year postgraduate taught programme or the first year of an undergraduate programme. This award is open to applicants who are nationals of, and resident in Nigeria at the time of application, and who submit their application through an office of Go Study Abroad in Ghana.
  9. Vice Chancellor Awards
    To reward academic excellence for those students with enhanced academic grades, a further award of 500 GBP will be awarded for each year of study on your chosen programme. (Separate awards apply to those students progressing from UCLan programmes overseas).
Method of Application
Candidates for the UCLan International Excellence Awards must complete the application form and questionnaire. You can make an application using the method that suits you best – an online application is the easiest. Click here to make an application

Successful applicants will be notified no later than four weeks after the application deadline.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2012
Open to International students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in the UK for International Students

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