
IMD Social Responsiblity MBA Scholarships for Developing Countries

IMD Social Responsiblity MBA Scholarships for Developing Countries

Course(s) Offered: Business, management
Course Level: Postgraduate (MBA)
Provider: IMD Scholarship Foundation
Country to Study in: Switzerland

Scholarship Description
IMD, a leading Global Business School, through its IMD Scholarship Foundation, offers scholarships for postgraduate studies leading to an MBA Degree.

If you are from an Emerging country, and would like a top international MBA to expand your horizons so that you can go back and make a difference, then this is for you. This award is for talented social entrepreneurs or individuals working for an NGO in an emerging or developing country.

Qualified candidates who have a passion to make a contribution to society through socially responsible leadership
  • Currently working as a social entrepreneur or for an NGO in your home country or region
  • 4-10 years work experience
  • Making a significant contribution to your local environment, country or society in general
  • Have leadership characteristics and the ability to have an impact in the class
  • Have financial need such that you could not otherwise afford to attend IMD
  • Strong command of written and spoken English
  • Demonstrate a passion and commitment for socially responsible leadership both in your current role and to go back to your home country or region after the IMD MBA program
Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY emerging or developing country

Participating Institution(s)
IMD Switzerland

Fields of study
Master’s in Business Administration (MBA).

Number of Awards
Not specified by provider

Scholarship benefits
Living Expenses (as deemed reasonable by IMD) plus CHF 45,000

Method of Application
Send the following information by July 15, 2012 to be considered for the IMD MBA program starting in January 2014:
  • Answer the 5 scholarship essay questions below
  • Submit your personal information form(doc)
  • Submit your detailed university transcripts
  • Send 2 signed letters of recommendation
  • Submit the IMD financial aid application with all supporting documents
Scholarship essays:
  1. Tell us about yourself and your experience (500 words)
  2. What drives your passion for socially responsible leadership? (100 words)
  3. What are your future career goals? (100 words)
  4. Why does an IMD MBA fit with these future career goals? (100 words)
  5. Identify a social entrepreneurship project in your country. How would you implement the project including milestones and funding? Identify positive points that may help you to implement the plan as well as barriers (and possible solutions) that may prevent you from achieving your goals. (1,000 words. Additional supporting project information can be submitted in an appendix.)
Applications must be submitted by 15 July annually.

Scholarship winners must complete and pass the regular IMD MBA admission process prior to being accepted for the program! IMD does NOT guarantee a place in the MBA program until completion and passing of the regular MBA admissions process.

IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury / sponsors.

Scholarship questions should be sent to

Application Deadline: 15 July 2012
Open to International Students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Top Scholarships in Switzerland for International Students

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