Doug Banks Renewable Energy Vision Scholarships for South Africans

Doug Banks Renewable Energy Vision Scholarships (DBREV)

Course(s) Offered: Renewable Energy
Course Level: Postgraduate
Provider: DBREV Trust
Country to Study in: South Africa

Scholarship Description
The Doug Banks Renewable Energy Vision (DBREV) Trustees are pleased to offer a scholarship -- the DBREV Scholarshps -- towards a two year post graduate degree in the field of Renewable Energy in Africa, to be taken up at a South African University.

The aim of the DBREV Trust is to identify, support and mentor bright young people who have a desire to help solve the challenges of Africa’s future energy needs.

The Doug Banks Renewable Energy Vision is a South African initiative aimed at building intellectual capital in the field of Renewable Energy.

South African students and professionals (only SA I.D. holders / permanent residents will be considered) from an engineering and built environment, technical and science, or economics background are invited to apply for the scholarship.

Selection criteria:
Selection will be made on the basis of academic merit, together with evident commitment to the use of renewable energy in Africa, especially in rural areas.

Eligible groups
Citizens of South Africa

Participating Institutions
Any South African University

Fields of study
Field of Renewable Energy in Africa.
Applicants should have an engineering and built environment, technical and science, or economics background.

Number of awards
One (1) will be given

Sponsorship duration
Whole duration of program

Scholarship benefits
To be used towards tuition fees and a living allowance (R80 000 per annum). Some additional support for equipment, field trips or conferences may be awarded at the discretion of the Trustees (max R30 000). A special feature of this scholarship is the additional opportunity of mentorship by experts in the field, many of whom were colleagues of Dr Doug Banks.

Method of Application
The award of the scholarship will be subject to the successful candidate being accepted by, and registered for, the programme of their choice.

The online application form can be accessed here; OR on the official website (link to it is below) if this link is not working.

This is an annual scholarship award, and the annual deadline date is September every year. The closing date for applications for 2013 is Friday 21 September 2012

The successful candidate will be expected to help carry forward the vision of the DBREV Trust, and be willing to act as mentor to future DBREV scholarship recipients.

Queries can be addressed to:

Application Deadline: 15 September 2012
Open for International Students: No (ONLY South Africans)

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Science & Technology for Students

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