
Claude Ake Visiting Chair for Social Scientists at African Universities

Claude Ake Visiting Chair

Course(s) Offered: Social sciences, Humanities
Course Level: Graduate (research)
Provider: Nordic Africa Institute; Uppsala University
Country to Study in: Sweden

Scholarship Description
The Claude Ake Visiting Chair was set up in 2003 as a co-financed collaboration between the Department of Peace and Conflict Research (DPCR), Uppsala University, in Sweden and the Nordic Africa Institute.

The purpose of the Claude Ake Visiting Chair scholarship programme is to honor the memory of Professor Claude Ake, prominent African scholar, philosopher and humanist, and to invite applications from internationally recognized senior scholars with professorial competence in their respective fields of expertise.

The Department of Peace and Conflict Research (DPCR) and the Nordic Africa Institute invite social science departments, research institutions and institutes, in Africa and elsewhere, to propose candidates for the Claude Ake Visiting Chair 2012. In particular, the nomination of female candidates is encouraged.

The Chair is intended for scholars who, like Claude Ake, combine a profound commitment to scholarship with a strong advocacy for social justice.

The Chair is open to prominent social scientists working at African universities with problems related to war, peace, conflict resolution, human rights, democracy and development on the African continent.

Proposed candidates should be established and internationally recognized senior scholars with professorial competence in their respective fields of expertise.

Eligible groups
Citizens of African countries

Participating Institutions
Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sewden

Fields of study
Any research topic related to war, peace, conflict resolution, human rights, democracy and development on the African continent.

Memorial Lecture and Publications:
The holders of the Claude Ake Visiting Chair give, at the end of their stay in Uppsala, a public lecture, the ‘Claude Ake Memorial Lecture.’ The title, theme and content of the lecture is up to the holder. The assumption is that the topic of the lecture shall, in a general sense, relate to the work of Claude Ake, for example in terms of themes or issues covered, or in the theoretical or normative points of departure. The lecture is to be based on a paper prepared and made available to seminar participants and lecture audience in advance of the lecture.

Sponsorship duration
This Visiting Professorship covers a period of up to 6 months and is awarded once a year.

Scholarship benefits
The Visiting Professor is offered a conducive environment to pursue his or her own research, while there is also opportunity for lecturing, holding seminars and contributing to ongoing research activities at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, the Nordic Africa Institute and elsewhere. The holder is expected to be based in Uppsala for the duration of the stay.

The awardee is entitled to a tax-free stipend/scholarship, currently set at SEK 30 000/month.

In addition, travel and housing costs for the holder of the position, and his/her accompanying spouse/significant other, are covered by the grant.

Method of Application
Nominations are to be submitted in writing and should present the proposed researcher; his/her planned research and the motives for the nomination. There is no specific form to use.

Candidates cannot nominate themselves. Nominations may come from individual scholars/colleagues, but must be supported by the institution with which the nominee is affiliated. A complete curriculum vitae, including relevant data regarding academic title, current and previous positions, research and teaching activities, publications as well as addresses, phone and fax-numbers, e-mail, etc., shall be attached to the nomination. The proposed researcher must be informed and consent to the nomination.

One representative from the Department of Peace and Conflict Research and one from the Nordic Africa Institute decide on the appointment of the annual holder of the Claude Ake Chair. There is also an advisory committee and a previous holder of the Claude Ake Chair.

Nominations should be mailed to the following address:

Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Uppsala University
Att.: Claude Ake Visiting Chair
Box 514
SE-751 20 Uppsala, SWEDEN

Nominations should be submitted not later than 31 January 2012. (Please note extended date for nominations.)

The Claude Ake Visiting Chair was set up in collaboration with the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) and with funding from the Swedish Government and Uppsala University. The Chair honours the memory of Professor Claude Ake, a distinguished scholar, philosopher, teacher and humanist, who died tragically in 1996.

Nomination Deadline: 31 January 2012
Open to International Applicants: No (ONLY African Universities)

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Sweden for International Students

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