
University of Ghana Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries Initiative - Growth & Employment Platform PhD Scholarships

BSU-GEP PhD Scholarships

Course(s) Offered: Academic competence areas (see below)
Course Level: Postgraduate (PhD)
Provider: DANIDA, participating universities
Country to Study in: Africa

Scholarship Description
The Growth & Employment Platform (GEP), a collaborative effort between University of Ghana and universities in Denmark with funding from DANIDA hereby advertise a number of PhD scholarships.

The University of Ghana, Legon is happy to host the Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries Initiative - Growth & Employment Platform (BSU-GEP) PhD Scholarships for international student meeting the required criteria as set out below.

The GEP involves partner institutions from Ghana, Tanzania and Denmark. The development objective of the GEP platform is to enhance the capacity of partner institutions in Ghana and Tanzania to promote sustainable growth and employment through research, education and dissemination of research findings.

Only applications from candidates that fulfill the below criteria will be considered:
  • An MPhil degree has been completed at the time of application
  • Candidate must ordinarily be below 40 years of age at time of application
  • Candidate must be a staff member of University of Ghana
  • Candidate must not already be enrolled as PhD candidate at University of Ghana or any other university
General Conditions of the Scholarships:
  • The candidate will be enrolled at a relevant department/faculty at University of Ghana;
  • The candidate will have a principal supervisor from the University of Ghana and a co-supervisor from a relevant Danish university;
  • The candidate is obliged to do course work equivalent to half a year of study;
  • The scholarships are, when deemed optimal and feasible, implemented as a "sandwich-model", where the candidate stays up to a maximum of 10 months in Denmark, typically divided in two stays;
  • The offered scholarships will have a 3-year duration;
  • The candidate will undertake research relevant to one or more of the three academic focus areas of the platform;
Eligible groups
Citizens of ALL countries

Participating Institutions
The BSU-GEP PhD Scholarships will be taken at University of Ghana, Legon

Fields of study
The academic foundation of the GEP rests on three academic competence areas with multiple interfaces across partner universities:
  1. Development economics
  2. Management and leadership
  3. Agriculture and agribusiness.
Number of awards / Sponsorship duration
Not specified by provider

Scholarship benefits
The overall objective of the BSU initiative is to strengthen universities in developing countries to increasingly play a role in the economic, social and political development of the societies in which they are located.

Method of Application
The application form can be downloaded from The application form must be attached with the following appendices:
  • Annex A. Certified copy of second university degree and transcript; where applicable
  • Annex B. Brief Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages)
  • Annex C. Publication list
  • Annex D. A sample of own scientific writing (one paper).
  • Annex E. A PhD project proposal of maximum 3,500 words including: Background, Objectives, Theoretical approach, Methodology, Work plan, Relevance for the call, List of References. 
Submission of Applications:
Applications are to be submitted to: School of Graduate Studies, P. O. Box LG 571, University of Ghana, Legon

Application form and requested documents must be submitted by 1st May, 2012

The Growth & Employment Platform (GEP) is one of four platforms in the initiative "Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries" (BSU). BSU is a partnership between research and higher education institutions in developing countries and Danish universities. The initiative receives core funding from DANIDA and is co-funded by the participating universities.

Application Deadline: 1 May 2012
Open to International students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Ghana for International Students

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