
List of Africa Grant Funding / Scholarships at London Business School

Africa Grant Funding at London Business School for African students

Study Subjects: Business and related
Scholarship Level: Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: Several organizations
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Scholarship Description
If you have a place on a London Business School programme, you may be eligible for a scholarship. You'll be given more information on these with your place offer, but here is an overview of what's available if you are an African. See other Scholarship Lists.

Many organisations offer scholarships or grants to support successful applicants to London Business School programmes. Awards vary from full costs (fees and living expenses) to monthly or annual stipends to assist with living costs.

Most scholarships are considered on the basis of your application, although some will require you to submit an additional essay.

Here we detail some of the most common awards that are generally available, and point you to sources of further information. For information on awards available for individual programmes, see the relevant programme page.

  1. Mohamedali Karimjee Trust
    Eligibility: Grants to African students to study in the UK.
    Contact: Write to the correspondent at the address below enclosing a stamped addressed envelope. Mrs E Gray, Assistant, Karimjee Jivanjee & Co UK, 21 Whitefriars Street, London EC4Y 8JJ (020-7583 3768)

  2. The Africa Educational Trust
    Eligibility: The trust provides scholarships and bursaries to help support the general education of Africans, particularly African exiles and refugees. Grants are awarded annually. Availability however depends on funding and in any one year may be limited to specific geographic areas on specific subjects.
    Award Amounts: A range of different awards with different eligibility conditions are available ranging from full scholarships covering fees, maintenance and field work costs to small ‘one-off' book and material awards.
    Contact: Africa Educational Trust, 38 King Street, London, WC2E 8JS, Tel. 020 7836 5075/7940

  3. The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Programme (IFP)
    Eligibility: Residents of most African Nations

  4. ADB - Japan Fellowship Program
    Eligibility: You must be a national of a regional member country of the African Development Bank, who is under 40 years old. You must hold a bachelors degree and have at least 2 years professional experience.
    Award Amounts: offers 12 scholarships to cover tuition, travel and other related expenses.
    Contact: Write to ADB-Japan Fellowship Program, African Development Institute (PDRE.3), B.P.323, 1002 Tunis Belvedere, Tunis, Tunisia stating your name, address, and telephone numbers.
    Email: or

  1. Egypt - Egyptian Community Association in the UK
    One-off and recurrent grants are made to people in need who are Egyptian or of Egyptian origin who are living in or visiting the UK, towards course fees, books, etc.
    Contact: H Elsheriff, General Secretary, 100 Redcliffe Gardens, London SW10 9HH. Tel: 020 7244 8925

  2. Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe - Beit Trust Fellowship
    Eligibility: Open to persons under 30 years of age who are university graduates domiciled in Malawi, Zambia or Zimbabwe.
    How much can I receive: Personal allowance and fees (variable), books, clothing and departure allowances.
    Number of awards: 10 awarded for up to two academic year
    Contact: Beit Trust Fellowships, PO Box 76, Chisipite, Harare, Zimbabwe.
    Tel: +263 4 96132.
    Fax: +263 4 94046.
    OR Contact: Brigadier CLG Henshaw, Secretary, Beit House, Grove Road, Woking, Surrey GU12 5JB.
    Tel: 01483-772575,

  3. Southern Africa
    a). The Canon Collins Educational Trust for Southern Africa
    Eligibility: The trust focuses on providing sponsorship for postgraduate studies in the UK in disciplines most urgently needed in South Africa and Namibia, assisting the development of staff skills at the historically black universities and expanding the present tertiary education programme in South Africa.
    Applications for study in the UK are considered in March.
    Contact: 22 The Ivories, 6/8 Northampton Street, London, N1 2HX,
    Tel. 020 7354 1462

    b). The Nelson Mandela Scholarships
    The scholarship wishes to recognise the dedication, determination and drive of previously disadvantaged graduates, by giving them the opportunity to undertake a year of postgraduate study at one of the best universities in the United Kingdom. They believe that exposure to the diverse spectrum of cultures will challenge, motivate and rapidly develop the leadership potential of their scholars.
    (Also see Mandela Rhodes Scholarships for Postgraduate African students)

    c). South African Nationals can also apply for loans from Nedbank.
    Students would need 2 guarantors to secure the loan and the student must submit a budget plan.

  4. Uganda - The Kulika Charitable Trust
    Most scholarships are for study in Uganda, with a small percentage for study in the UK.
    Contact: Andrew Jones, 4 The Mount, Guilford, Surrey GU2 5HN.
    Tel: 01483-563567,
    Fax: 01483 562505,

Many of the schemes detailed below will be available to students from more than one continent.
  1. Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships
    Eligibility: This scholarship is open to citizens of any country in which there are Rotary clubs. While abroad, scholars serve as ambassadors of goodwill to the people of the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Award amount: Up to US$25,000 for one academic year. Contact:

  2. IDB-Japan Scholarship Program
    Eligibility: Students from any of the Bank's borrowing member countries, which include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru and the Caribbean. Award Amounts: The scholarship provides benefits covering full tuition, university medical and accident insurance, an installation allowance, a monthly subsistence allowance, a book allowance, and economy class travel. Deadlines: Northern hemisphere programme application forms are distributed in March each year. The deadline for applications is mid-May, and selection is in early July. Contact:

  3. Commonwealth Scholarship & Fellowship Plan (CSFP)
    Eligibility: General scholarships are open to Commonwealth citizens and British protected persons permanently resident in any Commonwealth country other than the United Kingdom. Award amount: Travel, tuition fees, book allowance, personal maintenance. Contact:

  4. British Chevening Scholarships
    The Chevening programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), provides scholarships for postgraduate studies or research at UK Institutions of Higher Education. The scholarships are administered overseas and in the UK by the British Council on behalf of the FCO. Most scholarships are for one year Master's courses or equivalent. Amount: Scholarships cover all or part of the cost of the period of study. Some scholarships are jointly funded with leading industrial and commercial firms and grant-giving foundations. These are often advertised locally in those countries where the awards are to be offered. Otherwise information will be available at the local British Diplomatic Mission or British Council office.
    Apply to: Applications for the British Chevening Scholarships must be made through the British Diplomatic Mission in the student's country of origin. URL:

  5. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Fellowship
    Eligibility: Nationals of developing countries already holding/soon to hold functions important for the industrial development of their countries. Must have adequate education and practical experience in the chosen field of study Award Amount: Monthly stipend, tuition fees, international travel, book allowance, travel within the country of study and other applicable allowances to cover 1 year. To apply: Fellowships Nomination Form available from local/regional United Nations Development Program (UNDP) office. Completed forms must be sent through appropriate government/UNDP office to UNIDO, Vienna International Centre, P O Box 300, 1400, Vienna, Austria.

  6. The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program
    The Program (IFP) was launched by the Ford Foundation in 2000 to provide opportunities for advanced study to exceptional individuals who will use this education to become leaders in their respective fields, furthering development in their own countries and greater economic and social justice worldwide. Eligibility: Applicants must be resident nationals or residents of an eligible IFP country or territory. Currently, these are: Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, and Vietnam. IFP selects Fellows on the strength of their clearly stated intention to serve their communities and countries of origin, and expects that they will honour this obligation.

  7. IFUW International Fellowships
    Eligibility: All applicants must be women graduates and either a member of one of IFUW's 72 national federations and associations or, if living in a country where there is not yet a national affiliate, an independent member of IFUW, or an international individual member of IFUW. All candidates must have obtained admission to the proposed place of study prior to applying to IFUW's competition. An official letter of acceptance must accompany the application.
    Amount: The awards provide a maximum of twelve months support and are not renewable. No assistance is given for travel to conferences or direct family support.
    Contact: International Federation of University Women Headquarters 8 rue de l'Ancien-Port CH-1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: (+41) 22 731 23 80 Fax: (+41) 22 738 04 40 Email:; URL:

  8. The Richard Metzler and Roland Berger AMCF Scholarships
    Eligibility: The applicant must be currently pursuing a Masters at a leading institution of higher learning; be able to demonstrate academic excellence; be able to provide evidence of strong leadership skills and have demonstrated responsible citizenship through community service or related activities; be able to show a commitment to pursuing a career in the field of management consulting; be able to provide a letter of recommendation from either an academic or professional source.
    Amount: The scholarship amounts total USD 2500 each - one for the US and one for Europe. It shoul be noted that applying for this scholarship does not guarantee an award will be granted. Contact: 380 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1700 New York, NY 10168 USA Tel: 212.551.7887 Fax: 212.551.7934 Email:

  9. Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
    Eligibility: The Foundation accepts applications from students who have no other means of financing their studies, from countries where it has branches, affiliates or other AKDN agencies which can help with processing applications and interviewing applicants. At present, these are Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar, Syria, Iran, France, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. Applications from students who have already started their course of study are not considered.
    Selection Criteria: The main criteria for selecting award winners are: l) excellent academic records, 2) genuine financial need, 3) admission to a reputable institution of higher learning and 4) thoughtful and coherent educational and career plans.
    Financial Assistance: The Foundation assists students with tuition fees and living expenses only. The cost of travel is not included in AKF scholarships. Preference is given to those who have been able to secure some funding from alternative sources. Half of the scholarship amount is considered as a loan, which must be reimbursed with a 5% service charge. A guarantor is required to co-sign the loan agreement.
    Application Procedures: Students may obtain application forms from Aga Khan Development Network representatives in their country of current residence. Forms are available as of 01January each year and completed applications should be returned to the institution from which the form was obtained, or to the address typed on the front of the form. They should not be sent to Geneva. The deadline for submission of applications is 31 March. Applicants should be prepared to be interviewed by local Scholarship Committees about their financial situation, their academic performance, extracurricular achievements and career plans. The Aga Khan Foundation notifies all students of the outcome of their application in the first week of July.

  10. Anglo-Jewish Association Bursary
    Eligibility: Jewish students of any nationality studying in the UK
    No. of Awards: 100 to 120 awarded annually
    Award amount: Up to £500 per year
    To apply: write a formal letter of application before 01 May, to
    The Secretary Anglo-Jewish Association Commonwealth House (5th floor) 1-19 New Oxford Street London WC1A 1NU Tel: +44 (0)20 7404 2111 Fax: +44 (0)20 7404 2611 Email:

  11. Arab-British Chamber Charitable Foundation (ABCCF) Student Grant
    Nationals of an Arab League State with residency in their country can apply for grants. Applicants should not be over 40 years of age and must have UK student visa status. Applicants must show a commitment to return to the Arab world on completing study. No. of Awards: Up to 30 awarded annually Value: Up to £2,000 per academic year for up to 3-4 years. URL:

  12. IIE Management Scholarship
    Eligibility: To encourage corporate members of the Institution of Incorporated Engineers to undertake formal management training leading to award of MBA or similar qualification Award amount: 1 awarded annually of £1000 per year To apply: Submit application form to IIE office by the closing date of 30 April Contact: Administered by the Institution of Electrical Engineers Qualifications Dept. ref Q SP, Savoy Place London WC2R 0BL UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7240 1871 Fax: +44 (0)20 7497 3633 E-mail: URL:

  13. BFWG charitable Foundation
    Eligibility: Open to women graduates studying in the UK on a course of one year or longer Value: Up to £2,500 offered on an annual basis Contact:

  14. Karim Rida Said Foundation (KRSF)
    Eligibility: Nationals of Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine or Syria, normally resident in the Arab world and not holding any form of British residency. Candidates must be under 40 years of age, have a good first degree and provide evidence of proficiency in English. They must be able to demonstrate that their chosen course of study will be of use to their home country or the Middle Eastern region. Candidates would need to apply for a place on a course in Britain and must be prepared to sign a binding undertaking to return to their home country or a country of the Arab League for a set period. Value: The KRSF can provide full or partial scholarships for Masters degrees at universities around the UK depending on the level of financial need or whether other grants are available to applicants. To apply: Application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded from the KRSF website. Applicants in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine or Syria must submit applications to the local British Council office by 28 February each year. Applicants in the UK must return the forms to the KRSF office in London by 1 May each year. Contact: Local British Council office in one of the qualifying countries or Karim Rida Said Foundation 4 Bloomsbury Place London WC1A 2QA Tel: +44 (0)20 7691 2772 Fax: +44 (0)20 7691 2780 email:

  15. Marjorie Deane Financial Journalism Foundation Studentship
    Eligibility: The Foundation provides studentships to support successful applicants who have been accepted to do a Masters degree in economics, finance or a similar subject at a leading British university or business school. The Trustees take into account an applicant's suitability for the course, as well as his or her plans for a subsequent career in journalism. The Trustees favour applicants who can write well and who want to be financial journalists. They also want successful applicants to produce, at the end of their course, some work that is fit for publication Value: Awards range from £5,000 to a maximum of £15,000 covering fees and a contribution towards living expenses. To apply: These studentships are advertised in The Economist in March each year. These advertisements explain how to apply. Interested individuals should apply only through this process. The Foundation will not accept applications at other times of the year.
London Business School
Regent's Park
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7000 7000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7000 7001

Or see the official contact page

Scholarship Application Deadline: Varies
Scholarship Open to International students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

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