
WZB-ISSC World Fellowship Programme for Early Career Social Scientist from Developing Countries

World Social Science Fellows Programme:
Global Fellowship Programme

Course(s) Offered: Social Sciences
Course Level: Graduate (postdoctoral)
Provider: ISSC, WZB
Country to Study in: Germany

Scholarship Description
The International Social Science Council (ISSC), with the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) offers the WZB-ISSC Global Fellowship Programme for an outstanding early-career social scientist from a developing country to spend four to six months in the exciting and stimulating environment of an exceptional social science research organisation in the heart of Germany.

With its World Social Science Fellows Programme, the ISSC aims to help build the next generation of social science leaders who can create knowledge for solutions to global challenges. In this programme, talented early career social scientists are brought together at seminars to create new, interdisciplinary perspectives on a global challenge. Following the seminars, World Social Science Fellows are part of a network that is expected to be the start of new, international research collaborations.

The Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), in cooperation with the ISSC, invites applications for one early-career scientist to the Global Fellowship Programme, through which outstanding social scientists in developing countries who are willing and able can contribute to solving current global problems.

World Social Science Fellows Programme

Any early-career scientist (Post-Doctoral researcher with no more than 5 years’ work experience after their PhD or scientists without a PhD but with an equivalent level of research experience and output) residing and working in a developing country to conduct research for up to six months at the WZB.

The research project of the fellow should focus on global societal problems with particular relevance to developing country contexts. Moreover, it should be linked to both research conducted at the WZB and to the notion of “Transforming Global Relations for a Just World,” which is the topic of the ISSC’s World Social Science Forum 2015.

Eligible groups
Citizens of ALL countries worldwide

Participating Institutions
The Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), Berlin; Germany

Fields of study
Postdoctoral level research in the Social sciences.

While in residence, the selected fellow is required to:
  • Conduct a public lecture or an academic seminar at the WZB
  • Write a report outlining a vision of his/her research field with relevance to developing countries in the 5 to 10 years to come
  • Write or contribute towards a paper that can be presented at the World Social Science Forum 2015, to take place from 13 to 16 September 2015 in Durban, South Africa.
On return to his/her home country, the fellow is expected to share his/her knowledge with the scientific community there as well as to contribute to the further development of the local science and education system. This could be achieved, for instance, through teaching Master’s or PhD level courses (where appropriate) based on the research done at the WZB.

In addition, the selected fellow will be encouraged to:
  • Take up the opportunity to contribute an article to the WZB discussion paper series or to the quarterly journal addressing issues of public concern for an expert readership beyond academia
  • To keep the WZB and ISSC informed of any publications that result from the research stay in Berlin.
The above outcomes will be profiled by the WZB and the ISSC, for example on their websites.

Number of awards
One (1) will be awarded

Sponsorship duration
Up to six (6) months

Scholarship benefits
The WZB offers a grant for up to six months at a level commensurate with a German Post-Doctoral researcher, as well as a contribution to local accommodation (up to 500 EUR per month). Economy travel costs to and from Berlin will be reimbursed according to the German Federal Travel Expenses Regulations.

We offer a work place (equipped with PC, Internet access and communication support) as well as full library privileges and additional technical services. The selected Fellow will also receive support to participate in the World Social Science Forum 2015.

Besides allowing the Fellow to focus entirely on a dedicated research project, he/she is invited to participate in the intellectual life at the WZB.

The Fellow will also become a member of the network of early career scientists the ISSC is building with its World Social Science Fellows programme.

Method of Application
Candidates should present:
  • A letter of motivation (what is the project, why is it important, what will be the outcome), including the preferred timing of the research stay at the WZB as well as an explanation of the difference the stay will make in their personal careers and in their home institutions (maximum 1 page).
  • A summary of their main research and teaching contributions, indicating how these relate to the research topics at the WZB. Candidates should also address the societal relevance of their research (maximum 1 page).
  • Two letters of recommendation from current or past senior colleagues.
  • A curriculum vitae, including information on education, publications, participation in research projects and networks, teaching experience, awards and prizes received and other pertinent experiences. (Note: The majority of the degrees should have been awarded in developing countries).
  • An indication of the candidate’s English language proficiency.
  • Agreement from their home institution to the research stay in Germany, if selected (applicable only if the candidate will be employed during the proposed period of the Fellowship).
All information should be submitted electronically, preferably in one PDF document, to:

The closing date for applications is September 15, 2013

The International Social Science Council (ISSC) is an international organization that works to bring the best social science to bear on the biggest challenges of our time. It does this, for example, by publishing the World Social Science Report and organizing the World Social Science Forum.

Located in the heart of Berlin, the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) is one of Europe’s largest non-university research institutes conducting basic social science research with a focus on problems of modern societies in a globalized world. Among the 160 German and international scientists are sociologists, political scientists, economists, legal scholars, and historians. The WZB offers a modern working environment where both equal opportunities and the compatibility of work and family are highly valued.

Application Deadline: 15 September 2013
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Postdoctoral Scholarships for International Scholars

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