
Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme for Applicants Worldwide

Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship

Course(s) Offered: All fields
Course Level: Postdoctoral fellowships
Provider: Irish Research Council
Country to Study in: Ireland, Other countries

Scholarship Description
The Irish Research Council has opened the 2014 call for the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, the Enterprise Partnership Scheme Fellowship ( for Postgraduate and/or Postdoctoral) and the International Career Development Fellowship, co-funded by Marie Curie Actions (ELEVATE Fellowship).

Irish Research Council

The various scholarship awards are as follows:

Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme:
Intended to support suitably qualified applicants at an early stage of their postdoctoral career to associate with established research teams who have achieved international recognition for their work. These Fellowships can be held for either one or two years.

Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellowship:
An innovative initiative where the Council links with an Enterprise Partner to award co-funded Postdoctoral Fellowships to highly promising researchers in Ireland. By working closely with an Enterprise Partner, Fellows benefit from an enhanced research experience as well as having the opportunity to learn key transferable skills relevant to career formation.

ELEVATE Fellowship:
The aim of the ELEVATE Fellowship scheme is to fund Irish-based experienced researchers who have gained most of their research experience in Ireland so that they can acquire new skills and expertise while conducting high-level research abroad for two years and then return to Ireland for one final year with their newly acquired knowledge and expertise.

Please note:
The Terms and Conditions document containing specific information for these awards is available for download at the bottom of the official scholarship webpage (link to it is below). Please see this document for detailed and specific award criteria and other information.

Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY country of the world may apply

Participating Institutions
Fellows must be affiliated with an eligible higher education institution (HEI) in Ireland or an eligible Research Performing Organisation.

For the purposes of the ELEVATE Fellowships, eligible International Hosts include HEIs or other research locations anywhere in the world that can demonstrate a sufficiently high international research reputation and relevance to the proposed research project, including but not limited to:
  • higher education institutions (HEIs);
  • national research institutions;
  • well-founded business and company research facilities (including SMEs and MNCs);
  • social, cultural, not-for-profit, governmental or non-government organisation (including but not limited to a library, an archive, a museum, or an institute with a scientific, cultural, social or economic interest in the proposed project).
Fields of study
The Council funds excellent researchers across all disciplines and encourages interdisciplinary research and engagement with enterprise.

The Council facilitates the career development of researchers by funding those at an early stage of their research career to associate with established research teams who have achieved international recognition for their work.

Sponsorship duration
These Fellowships can be held for either:
  • one year, in order to prepare a doctoral dissertation for publication through a variety of high quality published outputs e.g. monographs, peer-reviewed articles, edited volumes; or
  • two years, in order to develop either a new research project or a research project that demonstrates a significant development of the subject of the doctorate through a variety of appropriate, feasible and clear published outputs
In particular, the following apply:
  • Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship (1 year) - 12 months
  • Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 years) - 24 months
  • Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellowship - 24 months
  • International Career Development Fellowship (ELEVATE Fellowship) - 36 months
Scholarship benefits
The total value of the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship and Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellowship will be up to a maximum of €45,895 in any approved year.

The maximum that can be spent in any year of a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship and Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellowship is €45,895, plus any unspent balance of eligible direct research support expenses carried over from the previous year of the Fellowship. Apart from this, funds may not be carried forward from one year to the next.

Method of Application
Applications will only be accepted through the electronic submission system (found on official website via link below), which will be launched within the application period. A “Guidelines for Applicants” document will be posted on the official website once the online system opens.

In advance of the e-system, and as an aid to preparing an application, an indicative Word document version of the application form is provided on the official website (link to it is below). Academic Mentor, Referee, and (where relevant) International Mentor and Enterprise Mentor forms will be available in due course.

All electronic applications must be submitted via the e-system according to the deadlines listed below.

Call for this scholarship opened 11th December 2013. The application deadline date is 16.00 (GMT) 11th February 2014.

The deadline for Referee/Academic Mentor/International and Enterprise Mentor (where relevant) is 16.00 (GMT) 18th February 2014; AND for Research Office Endorsement is 16.00 (GMT) 25th February 2014.

The Outcome of the Scheme will be in June 2014.

For all Fellowships, arrangements with respect to immigration will be a matter for settlement between the Fellow and his/her host institution(s) and the relevant immigration authorities of the State.
See for help with this.

The Irish Research Council aims to support an expertise-driven research system in order to enhance Ireland’s innovation capacity and skills base in a rapidly changing global environment where knowledge is key to economic, social and cultural development.
The Council is further committed to facilitating the integration of Irish researchers in all disciplines within the European Research Area.

Application Deadline: 11 February 2014
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Ireland for International Students

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