
Commonwealth Law Students Essay Competition for Undergraduate Students

Commonwealth Law Student Essay Competition

Course(s) Offered: Essay writing (law)
Course Level: Undergraduate
Provider: CLEA
Country to Study in: Commonwealth countries

Scholarship Description
The Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA) invites entries for its 2016 Commonwealth Law Student Essay Competition. 2016 will see the launch of its 6th Essay Competition.

The competition is open to all students registered on an undergraduate law degree course within a Higher Education Institution in a Commonwealth Nation. The CLEA fosters and promotes high standard of legal education in the Commonwealth.

The essay must be an original piece of work free of any plagiarism. No essay should have been previously submitted or shortlisted in any previous essay competition. The essay must not have been previously published either in full or part.

The competition is open to any of the students on undergraduate degree in law at a Faculty/School of Law or equivalent institution in a Commonwealth country.

Eligibility shall be determined by the essay coordinators whose decision shall be final and conclusive.

Students of both full-time and part-time degree programmes are eligible.

Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY commonwealth country

Participating Institutions
Faculties and/or Schools of Law or equivalent institutions (within or without any Higher Education Institution) in any Commonwealth country

Essay Topic
The title for this year (Essay Competition 2016) is:
“To what extent is it true to claim that the fundamental principles embodied in the Magna Carta are just as significant today as they were in 1215, since they are the foundation of constitutional provisions relating to the rule of law and democracy in most parts of the world, especially the Commonwealth?”

2014 Essay Topic:
“Can the Commonwealth (Latimer House) Principles on Three Branches of Government 2003 serve as an effective framework for safeguarding democracy and the rule of law in Commonwealth Countries?”

Scholarship benefits
There will be 3 categories of prizes awarded to successful entrants. £400 of cash prizes will be awarded to the winners of first, second and third places as follows:
  • 1st Prize: £250
  • 2nd Prize: £100
  • 3rd Prize £50
The winning entry will also be published on the official CLEA website and may be published in the Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education.

Method of Application
All entries must address the topic of this year’s competition and not exceed 2,500 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography).  All entries must be in English and must be presented formally acknowledging sources with footnotes and references in one of the accepted styles such as OSCOLA or Harvard for legal essays and a bibliography.

Entries must be in electronic form as a word document. Footnotes should be placed at the foot of the page, not at the end of the text. Please make sure that the essay can easily be opened as a Word document and does not have any restrictions placed on it in terms of access. The text should be in Ariel 12 font, 1.5 line spacing and the footnotes in subscript.

It is important to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply.

The competition closes on 31 October 2016

The entry should have a cover page giving:
  1. The Entrant’s full name
  2. Postal address and email address
  3. The course of study and the name and address of the institution
  4. The word count of the essay ( excluding footnotes and bibliography)
The judges will be particularly looking for:
  1. Originality of ideas
  2. Feasibility of outcomes
  3. Depth of research and analysis
  4. The use of comparative Commonwealth materials
  5. Logical structure
  6. Literary merit of materials used
  7. Good presentation
The author of the essay retains the copyright of the respective work, but CLEA reserves the right to print, reprint, and distribute all submitted entries at any time, regardless of whether or not they are prize-winning entries. The credit will be duly attributed to the author of the essay.

Application Deadline: 31 October 2016
Open to International Applicants: Yes(ONLY Commonwealth countries)

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Canada for International Students


  1. For the persons who love to write and keen to show their skills at upper levels such events or competitions are places where they can evaluate their weakness and art so i suggest all writers or the persons who love to write to take part in such tournaments and have a go on....!
