
University of Fribourg Switzerland Scholarship for Young Foreign PhD and Post-PhD Students

In Fribourg with a scholarship:
Scholarship of the University of Fribourg

Course(s) Offered: All areas
Course Level: Graduate (PhD, PostDoc)
Provider: University of Fribourg
Country to Study in: Switzerland

Scholarship Description
Scholarships are granted by the “Rectorat” to foreign researchers (with residence outside of Switzerland) who would like to undertake a research stay on doctoral level; or on post-doctoral level.

These are short stay scholarships for young researchers who have a Doctoral Thesis in progress; or young researchers at Post-Doctoral level. These Scholarships of the University of Fribourg are targeted at foreign Students (living abroad).

For those who need a visa, the process for obtaining a visa can take up to 3 months! Researchers who do not need a visa (EU/EFTA countries) can make a special request, with justifications, in order to begin earlier.

In Fribourg with a scholarship: Scholarship of the University of Fribourg

A). Qualifying Conditions for young researchers who have a Doctoral Thesis in progress:
  1. Minimum inscription of two semesters at a foreign university recognized by the University of Fribourg at doctoral level (not being registered at the University of Fribourg)
  2. Foreign residence
  3. Being younger than 35 upon arrival at the University of Fribourg
  4. Being engaged in a research project at the University of Fribourg
  5. Having submitted a complete file
Granting Conditions:
  1. Reasoning for the necessity of a scholarship for the implementation of the research project
  2. Consent of a professor of the University of Fribourg to accompany the scholar during his/her stay
  3. The goals of the scholar’s stay have been defined and approved by the professor
Selection criteria:
General profile and previous study-results as well as the quality of the submitted project

B). Qualifying Conditions for young researchers at Post-Doctoral level:
  1. Holding a Doctor’s title that was completed within the last three years at a foreign university recognized by the University of Fribourg
  2. Foreign residence
  3. Being employed or involved in research at a foreign research centre of a foreign university
  4. Having submitted a complete file
Granting Conditions:
  1. Reasoning for the necessity of a scholarship to complete the research
  2. Consent of a professor of the University of Fribourg to accept the scholar in his/her research group
  3. The goals of the scholar’s stay have been reviewed and approved by the professor overseeing the research and/or preparation of publication
Selection criteria:
General profile and previous study and research results as well as the quality of the submitted project

Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY country (EXCEPT Switzerland)

Participating Institutions
University of Fribourg, Fribourg; Switzerland

Fields of study
All research areas that are offered at the University. Please check here:

Number of awards
Not specified

Sponsorship duration
The period of sponsorships for the different levels are:
  • PhD level: 4 months (max. 6). No extension possible.
  • Post-doctoral level: between 1 and 3 months, maximum 5 (no extension possible)
Scholarship benefits
The value of the scholarships are as below:
  • PhD level: CHF 1’700 / month (deductible the first month of the basic registration fee 115.-CHF)
  • Post-doctoral level: CHF 1’900 / month, with possible contribution to travel expenses (deductible the first month of the basic registration fee 115.-CHF)
Method of Application
All applications must be made online (please see link to official website below). The application files have to be sent in two formats (original by mail and copy by email/Zip format). You can download the Application Form from the official website. Bear in mind that all required and requested documents are as listed on the PDF information manual accessible via the official website. Only complete files with all documents will be taken into consideration.

It is important to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply for this scholarship, to download important application forms and to access visa application procedures.

The deadline dates for young researchers who have a Doctoral Thesis in progress are 28th of February for a stay beginning on the following 1st of September at the earliest, OR 31st of July for a stay beginning on the following 1st of February at the earliest.

The dates for young researchers at Post-Doctoral level are 28th of February for a stay beginning on the following 1st of September at the earliest, OR 31st of July for a stay beginning on the following 1st of February at the earliest.

The process for obtaining a visa can take up to 3 months!

The University of Fribourg (French: Université de Fribourg; German: Universität Freiburg) is a university in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland. Its roots can be traced back to 1580, when the notable Jesuit Peter Canisius founded the Collège Saint-Michel in the City of Fribourg. In 1763, an Academy of law was founded by the state of Fribourg which formed the nucleus of the present Law Faculty. The University of Fribourg was finally created in 1889 by an Act of the parliament of the Swiss Canton of Fribourg.

The University of Fribourg is Switzerland’s only bilingual university. The Misericorde Campus, constructed between 1939–42, was designed by the architects Honegger and Dumas, students of Swiss architect Le Corbusier. There are five faculties: Catholic theology, law, natural sciences, humanities, and economics and social sciences.

Application Deadline: 31 July 2018
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Top Scholarships in Switzerland for International Students

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