
How To Apply for Residence Permit to Study in Denmark for International Non-European (Non-EU/EEA) Citizens

Residence Permits for non-EU/EEA Citizens

As a non-EU/EAA citizen you will need to apply for a Danish residence permit to study in Denmark as an international student, whether for Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral, Postdoctoral or other degree study. You will have to do this before coming to Denmark. Here is what you need to know.

Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland, and also for students participating in an exchange programme. International non-EU/EEA students have access to a number of scholarships by the Danish Government and Danish institutions, and have to travel to Denmark to study as foreign non-European students.

As a non-EU/EAA citizen you may be granted a Danish residence permit in order to study in Denmark.

To be granted a residence permit, you must prove in writing that:
  • You have been accepted as a student to a higher education course/programme at a university, college or institute that has been approved by the Danish government
  • You are either completing an entire educational programme offered by a Danish institution of higher learning or are a visiting/guest student attending part of a programme that you have already commenced in your country of residence
  • You can support yourself financially for the duration of your stay. If you are to pay a tuition fee, you must document that you have paid the tuition fee for the first semester or year, instead of documenting that you can support yourself. (Please note: foreign students do not usually receive state grants or benefits in Denmark. If you make a false claim for such assistance, your residence permit may be revoked and you risk deportation)
  • You can speak and understand the language of instruction and have a functional command of either Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German
How To Apply for Residence Permit to Study in Denmark as an International Student

How to apply for a Danish student residence permit

To apply for a Danish residence permit, you must fill out an application form (see link to it below). Be careful when filling out your application. An incorrectly completed form could jeopardise your chances of success.

The process is as follows:
  • First, a representative of the educational institution in Denmark will complete section two of the application form, attach the required documents and send it to you.
  • Next, complete section one of the application form and attach your own supporting documents.
  • Submit the application in its entirety at the nearest Danish embassy or general consulate in your home country. It will then be forwarded to the Danish Immigration Service for processing.
IMPORTANT: Biometic residence cards required for all non-EU students
As of 20 May 2012, all non-EU citizens aged over 18 must have their photograph, fingerprints and signature recorded digitally when they submit their application for a Danish residence permit. See where to apply for a biometric residence permit after May 20, 2012 (list is subject to change).

Note: As of 1 January 2011, a processing fee will normally be charged when applying for a residence permit or an extension of a residence permit. For further information about fees, please visit

The International Office can help you
If you need help when applying for a Danish residence permit, contact the International Office at the institution you have been accepted to. They can guide you, if for example it is not possible to apply for a biometric residence permit in your home country. See contact details for all institutions.

How to apply for a residence permit to study in Denmark
Are you ready now to apply for your Danish residence permit to enable you study in Denmark as a foreign international non-European student? Then you must begin by filling out this application form.

More Residence Permit Application Information

Related: Scholarships in Denmark for International Students

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