
Why You Should Embark On A Cardiology Fellowship

Written by a Guest Contributor

Cardiology Fellowship: Is It Worth Struggling?

According to The Atlantic, high blood pressure affects almost one in two African adults over the age of twenty-five. Compare this with one in three American’s who suffer from the same condition. Moreover, the NCBI report that the majority of cases of people with cardiovascular disease are in developing countries, such as those up and down Africa. A staggering 78% of global mortality from cardiovascular disease happen in developing countries. This is not just a footnote in health records; this is a burden.

As such, it is easy to see why young Africans are encouraged to take up cardiology fellowships, particularly at the very best cardiology fellowship training centers in our vast continent. Cardiology fellowships give you a sense of purpose, arm you with a wealth of new skills and knowledge, and ensure that you have a great chance to improve the health fortunes of your country.

Cardiovascular disease is a major health problem in Africa, and is in fact the leading cause of death in many of our nations. The solution to the problem lies in coordinated efforts from our healthcare system, workers and students.

Who Is A Cardiologist?

A Cardiologist is a professional, specialised doctor who has a medical qualification in the study of the cardiovascular system. They have trained for years to understand the vast mechanisms of the heart muscle, as well as the entirety of the cardiovascular system.

Whenever a doctor suspects that their patient has an anomaly in their cardiovascular system, they will refer them to a cardiologist. Cardiologists then diagnose and treat the illness. Because cardiology is such a specialised field, Africa is desperately short of numbers, which is why cardiology fellowships represent a fantastic career for young Africans.

Reasons to embark on Cardiology fellowship

Cardiology Fellowships Help Our Health System

Sierra Leone is one of the countries affected most by chronic illness. Located on the west coast of Africa, it is finally starting to grow a stable and successful economy after years spent under the fog of a rebel war. IMG cardiology fellowships are fundamental to the continued recovery of this proud nation; without an effective health-care system, the emergence of chronic illness will simply not be halted.

Halting chronic illnesses is indeed a daunting prospect, but strategic efforts and policies have been put in place to ensure that the country’s beleaguered health system can combat the health problems that have blighted it over the recent years.

Best Cardiology Fellowships Are Not Often Found At Home

Students who pursue a cardiology fellowship often have to travel abroad to get the right education. Then, they return home equipped to help solve the problems that are negatively impacting on the health of their countrymen and women.

South Africa is a prosperous nation that is home to some of the best cardiology fellowships on the continent, including the University of Cape Town. Students who study here often arrive from developing countries, such as the aforementioned Sierra Leone and Somalia, before returning home to provide much-needed assistance to their sick countrymen and women.

Students often complete their fellowships and return home with mixed feelings. The challenges that lie ahead can easily seem insurmountable. Occasionally, academic materials are lost on the difficult journey home, making a daunting challenge even more daunting.

Students admit, though, that there is “no place like home,” and going back to their developing nations gives them a chance to apply their new skills and knowledge to a local setting. Skills and knowledge that students learn at IMG cardiology fellowships include:
  • Echocardiograph
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Cardiac catheterisation
Students also get the chance to choose a laboratory research project.

Objectives That Students Can Achieve

As well as applying their new skills and knowledge to local settings, young African’s also get the chance to set objectives. Objectives that a cardiology graduate might set include:
  • Collaborate, network and integrate with other societies that have the same cardiovascular-based goals
  • Promote intervention programs
  • Establish local Heart Foundations
These all benefit the local community and help to slow down the rising trend of cardiovascular disease.

How Cardiologists Can Fight For Better Equipment

One of the major reasons why more people suffer and die from cardiovascular diseases in developing nations than anywhere else is because of a lack of basic equipment. Even the must crucial of all fundamentals is often missing from hospitals, such as electrocardiogram machines.

Cardiologists are in a good position to fight for better equipment. By collaborating with politicians and the health care system, cardiologists are able to raise awareness of the lack of basic equipment and even oversee reform.

This is important because it is almost futile for a young African to spend years training to become a cardiologist, only to find that their hospital lacks basic equipment. It’s disheartening, and it also means that they cannot exercise some of their newly acquired practical skills.

Cardiologists Can Pass On Their Learning

Another reason why cases of cardiovascular diseases are so much higher in developing nations than anywhere else is because of poor knowledge among the members of the local community. Locals in countries such as Sierra Leone are just not clued-up on how important cardiovascular health is, or how one should adjust one's diet to look after their health.

A returning graduate is possessed of knowledge that they can pass onto the local community, medical students, and even health care workers and practitioners.

For example, it is not unusual for someone to graduate from one of Africa’s best cardiology fellowships before playing fundamental roles at local hospitals that bring about better reforms that can save lives. Basic equipment such as defibrillators and cardiac monitors are often missing because of a lack of education. Students who are armed with a higher education are able to instigate and implement positive change.

In conclusion, a cardiology fellowship is well worth the struggle. Finding a training post at a top IMG cardiology fellowship is not easy because, particularly in a country like South Africa, there are not even enough posts for South Africans. Once accepted, you will have to embark on a course at University while working in a state hospital. Course fees are relatively inexpensive, and you will earn a decent wage from the hospital. There are also non-profit organisations who offer Africa Health Placements that give you the chance to work in rural hospitals in South Africa.

Author Bio
Robert Grace is a professional medical blogger and cardiologist. He is helping with content management at

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