
Transiting from being a Student into an Employee: Making the Transition Smooth

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Student to Employee: Making the Transition Smooth

There’s a lot that happens during college and stays with us for the lifetime to be cherished every now and then. You learned the knack to follow up professors, ask for good grades, make it to the project presentation at the last moment and write incessant exams to score a degree. Adding to the same, it was your first exposure to the outer world, the industry you wish to make a name in and putting together the building blocks of your network that will support your professional growth in every way.

However, a lot changes after all that. Now is the time that you begin your career and make a move to the corporate arena. It really wasn’t easy beating the interview stress and making it to the payroll of your company, but it happened!

What’s required now is making a smooth transition happen and putting the right first step in your job. Hence, mentioned below are a few such tips that will make it an easy deal for you. Drop sufficient glances and arm yourself the better way.

Student to Employee: Making the Transition Smooth
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Making the Transition from Student to Employee Smooth

1). Have a Clear Picture of Your Role

You definitely have conducted enough research to know the core responsibilities pertaining to your job role, but is that enough?

You need to know the entire practicality associated with your job. Right from the day-to-day challenges employees face, to possible solutions that prevail in your field. Find out about the kind of pressure situations that arise and all that can be done to avert them.

It sure does seem like a multitude of tasks, but this is what gives you an edge over your competitors in the end.

Also read: Skills You Can Leverage For a Successful Career in Teaching

2). Learn to Imbibe Professionalism

This is surely a different experience. You have that urge to try something new that others at the workplace surely haven’t and there’s definitely a thought pushing you to be a bit crazy and act your age. However, that might just be holding you back from a great start in the company.

Professionalism at workplace entails qualities like being a dependable team-mate, taking initiatives and sticking to the plan even during the most adverse situations. These are traits that surely don’t grow out of the blue, but have to be worked upon.

Give it a good thought and you’ll surely make the right pick.

Also read: Social Media Tips for Graduates Who Are Looking for Their First Job

3). Start Understanding People

Well, this is one of the foremost challenges millennials face on beginning their careers with any corporation – the lack of understanding for different people’s behaviors.

Industry pertinent skills can still be honed over due time, but having people skills is something purely indispensable for your survival in the professional world. There will be a wide range of people from all sorts of social backgrounds and in different age groups for you to deal with. A little patience and observation is all that it demands.

People have a habit of approaching work and targets at their own pace. Getting in sync with them would definitely get you to a better position.

Also read: What to Do When You Realize You Chose the Wrong Career

4). Stay Clear on Communication from the Get Go

Flow of information in multinationals happens both ways- upwards as well as downwards. This will naturally put you in the loop and demand an equal input at your end as well. It’s no rocket science really!

Being a great employee that too during the initial few months is all about how effectively you communicate issues and try to find out solutions cohesively. It all starts at a strong chain of communication and ends there as well.

Don’t conceal your thoughts and ideas, learn to share them with those around you and those who can help to build over it. That is what shapes you up as a promising employee from an enthusiastic student!

Author Bio
Anshuman Kukreti is a professional writer and a keen follower of the gulf job market. An engineer by qualification and an artist at heart, he writes on various topics related to employment across the Gulf. Reach him @ LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+.

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