
Nelson Mandela – Graça Machel Innovation Awards (Fully-funded to Suva, Fiji)

CIVICUS Nelson Mandela – Graça Machel Innovation Awards

Program(s) Offered: Ideas, Initiative
Program Level: Contest
Provider: CIVICUS
Country to Work in: Several countries

Scholarship Description
The 2017 Nelson Mandela – Graça Machel Innovation Awards is celebrating the 12th year of recognising individuals and organisations for their excellence, innovation, and bravery in creating positive social change.

The Innovation Awards are part of the global SPEAK! campaign, which seeks to give a voice to everyone, everywhere. Led by CIVICUS through the Civic Space Initiative, SPEAK! and the Innovation Awards will together help celebrate, promote, and defend the voices of ordinary citizens in ensuring a more just and sustainable future for all.

Nominations are now open for Youth Activists, Individual Activists, Civil Society Organisations, and the newest category of Brave Philanthropy. Is there an activist, organisation or donor in your community or country that the world should know about? If so, we want to celebrate them!

The Awards will recognise outstanding activists, organisations and donors whose work demonstrates innovative or bold approaches, perseverance in the face of challenges, significant reach, and measurable impact. One award will be conferred in each of the following categories:
  • Youth Activist: An individual who has worked for positive social change and is younger than 30 as of August 1st, 2017.
  • Individual Activist: An Individual who has worked for positive social change and is 30 years of age, or older, as of August 1st, 2017.
  • Civil Society Organisation: A registered non-profit organisation that has worked for positive social change and has two or more full-time employees.
  • Brave Philanthropy (Donor): An individual or organisation that has provided financial support for an activist, organisation or campaign engaged in social change despite financial or other risk, public perception, or donor-norms.
In addition to the above Category Definitions, the following eligibility requirements apply for all nominations:
  • Nominators can nominate themselves or organisations with which they are affiliated, or nominate other individuals or organisations.
  • Nominators can submit a maximum of one nomination per category.
  • Nominations must be based on specific activities that took place between 1 May 2016 and 31 July 2017. (Any nominations based on activities that took place outside of this time frame will not be considered.)
  • No member of the Civic Space Initiative or individual who is otherwise involved with the Nelson Mandela – Graça Machel Innovation Awards, whether as an officer, director, employee, or independent contractor, is eligible to be nominated.
Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY Country

Scholarship benefits
The public announcement of Award winners will take place during International Civil Society Week (ICSW) in Suva, Fiji in December.

Award winners of the Youth, Individual and Organisation categories will be awarded a prize package worth approximately US$4,550.00. This includes Return airfare to ICSW 2017, Registration fee waiver for ICSW, Accommodation in Suva, Fiji for ICSW, together with the majority of meals, Per diem for 4 days at ICSW, and Cash prize. The Award winner of the Brave Philanthropy category will receive a registration fee waiver for ICSW 2017.

Any costs or fees not specifically listed above will be borne by Award winners

Method of Application
All nominations should be submitted via the Awards webpage using the online form. However, CIVICUS encourages individuals and organisations with resources to assist possible nominators who may not have access to the webpage, and also invites individuals or organisations to contact CIVICUS if they require assistance. Nominators must answer all of the required fields in the online form within the character limitations specified for each question. CIVICUS is not responsible for attempted or failed submissions. Entries that are incomplete or corrupted will be void and can not be accepted. All nominations must be submitted before the end of the nomination period. Due to the large number of nominations, CIVICUS may not be able to acknowledge receipt of submissions.

It is important to read the 2017 Terms and Conditions (document is equally available in French and in Spanish), and also visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply for this award

The Awards nomination period begins on 28 August 2017 and ends at 11:59pm (GMT+2) on 21 September 2017.

SPEAK! has been developed by CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, as part of the Civic Space Initiative. CIVICUS is an international non-profit organisation, which describes itself as “a global alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society around the world. Founded in 1993, the organisation today has members in more than 145 countries, with its headquarters in Johannesburg and offices in London, Geneva and New York.

Application Deadline: 21 September 2017
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: List of Awards on Study & Scholarships

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